Monday, November 23, 2009

Practice Makes...Almost Perfect

I am finally starting to get the hang of the web development skills we are learning in class, basic though they are. What used to take me half an hour of trial and error now takes me a few short steps. For a while, I was confused about the location of files in the public_html folder on my desktop, on Files 2.0 and in JEdit, but I understand now how they all work together.

Just to give a quick example: Earlier today, I wanted to see what my code looked like, so I uploaded it to Files 2.0 and opened the page. Later, I realized that instead of waiting to upload it on Files 2.0, I can just open the .html file from my desktop folder and the page will automatically open in a new window. It's a much faster way to check my work.

Little things like that are starting to make my work a lot easier. Most of all, I really admire the work of professional web developers who can do much more complicated and elegant coding than my basic scrawl. I have a newfound appreciation for user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing websites!

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