Thursday, December 3, 2009

Safari vs. Firefox

I have been happily using Firefox for several years, and my only complaint was that the icon to close each tab was way over on the right side of the screen, not on each individual tab.

Then, while testing some of my code for this class, I got frustrated because my changes weren't showing up in Firefox. I opened the same page in Safari and right away saw my new and improved site. I'm not sure if the extra time it took for me to switch to Safari was necessary for whatever needs to happen between changing the html and seeing the change online, but I was sold. I've been using Safari ever since. I especially like the Top Sites feature where you can see miniature screen shots of your favorite websites all at once and click on the one you want to go to. And to top it all off, the icon to close each tab in Safari is right where I need it: on the tab itself.

I also enjoyed this related article.

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