Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Group Presentation Ideas

We all expressed an interest in photography, so we're going to make either a website or a slideshow/movie called A DAY IN THE LIFE. Each of us will choose one day to take 10-15 pictures throughout the day, of places we go, people we see, the mundane and the profound. Then, we'll collect all of our photos and present them creatively, but we're not quite sure how yet.

Professor Yen said there was a group a few semesters ago who did a photo project that looked at graffiti around the city. Maybe we could focus on something more specific like that.

1 comment:

  1. I love taking graffiti photos! I have a whole album of them I did on film when I was studying in Prague for a semester. Haha now I wish we could change the project.....
